Erin Elsbernd

Erin is a senior studying Software Engineering and Data Science. She is interested in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and has previously interned with JPMorgan where she worked on creating predictive models for ATM withdrawals. After graduating, she hopes to some day place in the top ten of a Kaggle competition.

Ram Luitel

Ram is a senior studying Software Engineering at the Iowa State University. There, he participates in undergraduate research involving digital accessibility under the guidance of Dr. Zayira Jordan. His research area involved digital accessibility and Human computer interactions(HCI). Ram has previously intern at United HealthGroup and going intern at JPMorgan in summer 2018. His interest of computing involved big data and data analysis.

Christian Chiang

Senior in Software Engineering from Venezuela. Christian has a passion for anything software related, it can go from Android apps development to analyzing data and outputting them on charts. He has worked for UnitedHealth Group / Optum for the past two summers and plans to work for Granular this upcoming summer 2018. His hobbies include going to hackathons and reading a lot about blockchain technology.

Faizul Jasmi

Faizul Jasmi is a senior in Software Engineering from Malaysia. His passion is to create software and solutions that empowers people to tackle their tasks and challenges. Despite of not having any internship experiences, Faizul joined a group of other college students to start a company that made its first profit in 2017. In the future, he hopes he could make more people's live through software development.

Khoa Bui

Khoa is a senior student in Software Engineering at Iowa State University. He comes from Vietnam. He loves programming and anything related to computer science. He has done lot of projects in Java programming on Window and Android system before. He has also encountered with other programming languages, database, and web design such as: C/C++, PHP, MySQL, HTML, and so on. In 2012, he earned Associate in Science Degree at MIS program at DMACC. He was a volunteer programmer at Taikachi company when he was in freshman year at Van Lang University (Vietnam) before moving to the U.S. His hobby is food, travel, and wild life. And, he is ready in this project.

Taizhong Huang

Taizhong Huang(Nigel) is a Chinese software engineer and a mathematics student studying in Iowa State University. He has a few work experiences as a Python developer in Xiaomi and Wondershare.